The weather is definitely leaning towards BBQ season! We know that some people aren't ready yet to tend to a smoker or their BBQ so our Honey Glazed BBQ Spareribs recipe is designed for the oven and the grill. We love the crunch of these glazed ribs, the spicy and savory flavors from the crushed chilies and sage make these ribs worth having on any week night. We even used this glaze on ribs for our Instapot (cooks quicky and the meat falls off the bone), it goes great on bone in chicken and is AH-mazing drizzled on pork chops!
4 lbs. - lean pork spareribs
salt and pepper
1/2 cup - honey
1/4 cup - lemon juice
2 tsp. - lemon peel, grated
2 tsp. - ginger root, grated
1 clove - garlic, minced
1 tsp. - rosemary, crushed
1/2 tsp. - red chilies, crushed
1/2 tsp. - ground sage
Completely cover spareribs with water in a large pot or deep skillet. Bring to boil, uncovered, over medium heat. Simmer 4 minutes. Drain liquid, reserving it for stock for later use, if desired.
Season both sides of spareribs with salt and pepper.
Place spareribs on rack in roasting pan. Cover loosely with aluminum foil. Bake at 450° F. 15 minutes.
Combine remaining ingredients; mix well.
Reduce oven temperature to 350°F.
Brush spareribs with honey mixture. Bake 1 hour longer or until fully cooked, brushing with honey mixture every 15 minutes.
NOTES For Barbecue:
Boil spareribs as described above, over medium heat. Simmer 4 minutes and drain liquid.
Season both sides of spareribs with salt and pepper.
Place spareribs on barbecue grill over hot coals. Cook approximately 30 minutes per side. Brush meat side generously with honey mixture twice during last 15 minutes of cooking time.
*Adapted from the National Honey Board